General Information:

DUNS: 071689244
TIN/EIN: 94-234-9180
Legal Business Name: TWP Inc.
Physical Street Address 1: 2831 Tenth Street
Physical City: Berkeley
Physical State: CA
Physical Zip/Postal Code: 94710
Physical Country: USA

Corporate Information:

State of Incorporation is California
Established 1969
Small Business Manufacturer of Goods
Women Owned

North American Industry Classification System (NAICS):

3599-01 Filters Manufacturers
5531-02 Filters Air and Gas
5051-35 Wire Cloth Wholesaler
5051-03 Wire Products
3496-01 Wire Cloth
4235-10 Wire Screening Merchant Wholesale

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC):

3496 Miscellaneous Fabricated Wire Products