Protect Newly Planted Bulbs With Chicken Wire Mesh

Flower bulbs sit on top of garden soil next to a spade, gardening gloves, and and freshly planted basil and purple flowers.

Chicken wire is most often associated with fowl enclosures, but the material is equally effective in garden applications. Sometimes called hex mesh due to its hexagon-shaped openings, this woven metal product is a go-to for keeping pests away from your newly planted bulbs.

Here are a few applications to consider.

Chicken Wire Mesh Layer Over Bulbs

A gardener carefully places bulbs beneath chicken wire in her garden so as to protect them from pests as they grow.

Hex mesh can be placed directly over your planted bulbs to keep curious critters from digging up your freshly planted crops. Depending on the size of your garden beds, you can use pre-cut sheets or chicken wire rolls.

The flexible material can be secured by planting the perimeter a few inches into the soil. If you have raised garden beds, use heavy-duty staples to attach the mesh to the wood frame.

Below-Soil Mesh Garden Layer

If gophers, moles, voles, or other burrowing animals are a problem for your garden, you can install wire mesh a few inches below the soil rather than above. This takes a bit more effort and calls for planning ahead. However, the physical barrier can be very effective stopping these digging rodents from popping up from underground and ruining your carefully planted bulbs.

Whether you use chicken wire or another type of mesh, you can rest assured the solution is environmentally safe, non-toxic, and humane.

DIY Cloches With Hex Mesh

A cloche made from wire mesh and welded wire stops pests from nibbling newly planted spinach and other veggies.

Another option is to make your own cloches. A cloche is essentially a dome- or bell-shaped cover used to protect seedlings and sprouts. You can fasten them out of chicken wire to deter mice, moles, snakes, birds, and other wildlife from nibbling your veggies, berries, and other vulnerable plants.

Read our blog to learn How to Plan Your Vegetable Garden Using Wire Mesh.

Large Chicken Wire Garden Cages

As your plants get bigger, you might need larger enclosures to protect them while still allowing them room to grow. You can make garden cages of virtually any size out of wire mesh.They can be made to be lifted up and down by hand or big enough to actually walk into.

Malleable chicken wire or large-weave hardware cloth can also be fastened into circular cages to support climbing plants and vine vegetables. However, this won't necessarily prevent pests from accessing them unless they're protected by a larger enclosure.

Ongoing, Eco-Friendly Pest Control

Even folks with the greenest thumbs sometimes struggle to grow veggies, fruits, and flowers with pests in the picture. Luckily, wire mesh is an eco-friendly, affordable, and relatively easy solution for ongoing pest control.

The best material for this project depends on the size of your plants and garden, as well as the type of animal you're dealing with. For instance, chicken wire is great for keeping birds, possums, and raccoons at bay, while galvanized stainless steel mesh is a good choice for excluding snakes, gophers, mice, moles, and voles.

See our Pest Control Guide for more tips and insight.

Shop Affordable Chicken Wire Mesh for Gardens & More

TWP Inc. is your resource for wire mesh for DIY and gardening applications. Founded in 1969, our woman-owned company has been an industry-leading supplier of industrial-grade products for over five decades. In addition to in-stock materials, you can count on fast, reliable shipping and helpful customer service every step of the way.

TWP Inc. can also accommodate custom sizes and quantities. Contact us for a quote!

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